5 Tips to Increase Your Curb Appeal

5 Tips to Increase Your Curb Appeal

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Before you can increase your curb appeal you have to understand what it is. Curb appeal is the first thing that buyers see when they drive up to your home, or are merely driving by. In other words, curb appeal is the first impression that buyers get of your home.

If buyers have a poor first impression why would they waste time in considering purchasing your home when there are a lot of other houses out there?

Your curb appeal is either going to draw potential buyers into your home or turn them away from it toward your competition. Included below are tips and tricks to increase your curb appeal, therefore increasing your asking price and increasing the traffic of potential buyers through your home.

Now before you get scared off thinking that increasing your curb appeal is going to cost more than it is worth, think again. Curb appeal can be pretty inexpensive, especially if you are willing to do some or most of the work yourself.

  1. Clean = Well Maintained

One of the easiest and cheapest things you can do is to clean everything. When things are clean it tells the potential buyers that your home and property is properly taken care of. To the buyer this means that they will have to spend less money on immediate repairs while inviting them to take a further look at your house.

Tasks to start cleaning are your yard, windows, roof, siding, deck, patio, light fixtures, etc.

  1. Landscaping

Your landscaping needs to be well maintained and thought out. You don’t need to break the bank with expensive flowers, trees, etc, but planning ahead will give you the most bang for your buck.

Adding color to areas of your yard or home that are seen from the road or your driveway are important. Landscape around trees and house in order to maintain clean lines and provide ease of landscaping upkeep. Keep in mind that too much can scare off those buyers who do not have a green thumb.

  1. Mailbox/End of Driveway

Your mailbox may not be a big deal to you. After all, it does its job of holding your mail right? When selling your home this can be a bigger deal.

Repainting or replacing your mailbox gives you an easy opportunity to add color at the end of your driveway. Consider adding something like a small split-rail fence to landscape around. Make it inviting to turn into your driveway.

  1. Start Trimming

This is a cheap fix. If you do not have the tools you can even rent them at most rental companies. A well-manicured lawn says, “Come and enjoy.” You want your potential buyers to see your property as well maintained and this is an easy fix.

  1. Final Touch-Ups

Once you have completed the above tasks, there are a few other things you can do inexpensively. You might not need to paint the entire home, but touch up the front door and the trim around it. Touch up the window trim. Change light bulbs to fresh light bulbs. Declutter any areas and rake gravel into desired areas.

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